Electronic Periodicals in Arabic Literature 2010-2019


  • سامر إبراهيم باخت جامعة النيلين


The main purpose of this study is to review the Arab literature on the subject of electronic periodicals during the period (2010-2019); In order to identify the main topics covered in this literature, and then reveal the extent to which Arab literature reflects the current issues in the subject of electronic periodicals mentioned in foreign literature; to discover gaps. The study adopted the documentary and descriptive analytical approach. The findings indicated that the Arabic literature focuses significantly on the subject of evaluation of electronic periodicals; it is an indicator that reflects the growth of electronic journals in the Arab region and their need for evaluation. Arab literature also suffers from gaps in the topic, especially in terms of practical issues facing electronic periodicals in libraries. The study recommended filling these gaps, while trying to adopt new methods and approaches to study electronic periodicals topic

Comment citer
باخت, سامر إبراهيم. Electronic Periodicals in Arabic Literature 2010-2019. Revue maghrébine de documentation et d'information, [S.l.], n. 29, p. 1-37, déc. 2020. ISSN 1737-0744. Disponible à l'adresse : >http://www.revue-uma.rnu.tn/index.php/RMDI/article/view/442>. Date de consultation : 18 avr. 2024
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