L’ OpenGov programme de l’alphabétisation civique pour « le printemps arabe»

  • Ahmed Ksibi


The Arab Spring" is a revolutionary movement that began in
Tunisia the wave of revolts shook the Arab world and throughout the
Mediterranean and even in the most remote regions (the United States,
Canada ..). Whatever the nature of the changes, they will be irreversible.
Everything becomes possible for the opposition who seemed powerless,
despite their voluntarism and their sacrifices. Tunisian citizens have
imagined and worked on new models of democracy called the Open Data
or "open public data." Thus, the watchwords were transparency,
participation and collaboration in which the media have a vital role to
play ... access to documents and data relating to civic institutions through
public web sites.
Tunisia seems to be different from other revolutionary nations
wanting to develop this idea and take the step towards the implementation
of the dissemination of public data and the introduction of participatory
democracy. Everything will be in a formal and governed by laws applied
in the constituent assembly.
And government data are accessible to the ordinary citizen Tunisian
able to follow everything happening in the first place at the Constituent,
to know what will be voted on and adopted or data become available to
municipalities. Presented in a simple and understandable and will be
available through websites and portals specially created for this.
The Fourth Estate at the time of the Internet: Open Data and
OpenGov, food for thought and work that drive large communities that
are, in a very short time, moved from theory to practice, taking Tunisia a
party full of technical talent to move forward and build citizen power
The Open Data and OpenGov is a civic literacy in Tunisia: fiction or

Comment citer
KSIBI, Ahmed. L’ OpenGov programme de l’alphabétisation civique pour « le printemps arabe». Revue maghrébine de documentation et d'information, [S.l.], n. 21-22, p. 67-85, mars 2019. ISSN 1737-0744. Disponible à l'adresse : >http://www.revue-uma.rnu.tn/index.php/RMDI/article/view/269>. Date de consultation : 04 mai 2024
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