Use of ICT in education in the Arab world with a special focus on Arabic digital content

Obstacles and perspectives

  • Abdelmajid Bouazza


The use of ICT in education and development of Arabic digital
content in Arab countries face a number of obstacles, which are of
technical, economic, socio-cultural, political, and legislative in nature.
Because of the limited scope of this paper, only those related to (1)
hardware, (2) software industry, and (3) Arabic language have been dealt
with. To improve the utilization of ICT in education and the production
and distribution of Arabic digital content, Arab countries need to
introduce major changes in educational curricula and offer them on the
internet, the major ones being as follows: the eradication of computer
illiteracy among teachers, students, and administrators in educational
sector, the provision of schools with appropriate computer hardware and
internet access, and reliance on open source software at all educational
levels; development and deployment of the concepts, tools, and software
of self-learning; and finally the strengthening of the partnership between
school, home, community by utilizing available technology

Comment citer
BOUAZZA, Abdelmajid. Use of ICT in education in the Arab world with a special focus on Arabic digital content. Revue maghrébine de documentation et d'information, [S.l.], n. 21-22, p. 87-96, mars 2019. ISSN 1737-0744. Disponible à l'adresse : >>. Date de consultation : 03 mai 2024
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