The Use of Internet of Things (Iot) In Libraries: An overview of possible application prospects

  • محمد إبراهيم حسن الصبحي Faculté des Lettres, Université Ain Chams


Internet of things (IOT) technology is the fourth revolution of information following the ones in computers, the Internet, and mobile networks. As a center for information technology applications, the library draws on information technology changes, as many expect the Internet of things (IOT) to accelerate the transformation of the digital library into a smart library for its ability to deliver services that are more intelligent.
This article aims to discuss the possibilities of using the IOT technology in library activities. The main objective is to identify the possible scope and forms of use of this technology in public and university library services. The following study uses the descriptive approach with a focus on the mechanisms of content analysis in the extrapolation of specialized intellectual production. The paper consists of three sections: The first section determines the possibilities of using the Internet of Things to improve library services. The second section describes some of the existing models of IOT use in libraries; and last section depicts the possibilities of using the Internet of Things in libraries. Results show that despite the many ambitious initiatives that seek to benefit from this emerging technology in various areas of life such as economics, finance, business, science and entertainment, the IOT is still a concept or an idea rather than a reality. There is an outlook for what will happen in the future, and it is clear - from the existing literature, blogs and public debates, that there is an inevitable
development of the IOT. According to some authors, the internet of things may result in an unexpected and unprecedented boom in the telecommunications sector.

Comment citer
الصبحي, محمد إبراهيم حسن. The Use of Internet of Things (Iot) In Libraries: An overview of possible application prospects. Revue maghrébine de documentation et d'information, [S.l.], n. 26, p. 9-30, avr. 2019. ISSN 1737-0744. Disponible à l'adresse : >>. Date de consultation : 29 avr. 2024
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