Scholarly communication at Algerian university and trends of faculty and researchers about Open Access to information: a field study at universities city of Constantine

  • نذير غانم معهد علم المكتبات والتوثيق، جامعة قسنطينة 2 عبد الحميد مهري – الجزائر
  • نبيل عكنوش معهد علم المكتبات والتوثيق، جامعة قسنطينة 2 عبد الحميد مهري – الجزائر
  • محمد الهادي قسم علم المكتبات و التوثيق، جامعة الجزائر 2 يوسف بن خدة – الجزائر


Since communication is the basis of scientific activity, it has been known to researchers communicative practices several systems identify pathways and channels to communicate with each other. Resulting in the need to study the elements of the system of communication and research, and how researchers deal with it in light of changes and rapid technological developments. That led to the emergence of new problems created what is today called a crisis of scholarly communication. This paper aims to highlight the concept of scholarly communication and new patterns of circulation and exchange of information in the new electronic environment by researchers. In addition to the study of the communicative practices faculty and researchers at universities city of Constantine, and their attitudes about open access to information and the ability reliance on the tools offered by this global movement.

Comment citer
غانم, نذير; عكنوش, نبيل; الهادي, محمد. Scholarly communication at Algerian university and trends of faculty and researchers about Open Access to information: a field study at universities city of Constantine. Revue maghrébine de documentation et d'information, [S.l.], n. 25, p. 39-55, mars 2018. ISSN 1737-0744. Disponible à l'adresse : >>. Date de consultation : 06 mai 2024