Sweden’s Lund University Libraries and Support Open Access

  • كمال بوكرزازة معهد علم المكتبات والتوثيق، جامعة قسنطينة 2 عبد الحميد مهري – الجزائر
  • وسام يوسف بن غيدة معهد علم المكتبات والتوثيق، جامعة قسنطينة 2 عبد الحميد مهري – الجزائر


Libraries have suffered a lot all over the world, especially in developing countries under the traditional system of access to information from the growing problem of prices rises to scientific journals and databases available on the web, which prevented them from access to knowledge available through scientific publications, and this is because of their purchasing capabilities is inability to prosecute it, but this suffering abated while dawned to the presence of a new system of scientific communication so-called open access to information, who released the scientific production from the physical and legal restrictions imposed on researchers and libraries to access to it.

It will be addressed in this study, the role of Sweden’s Lund University Libraries and their librarians in promoting the open access movement through the creation of tow institutional repositories, launching open access journal, providing a service « Open Journal Systems (OJS) », which allows the creation of open access journal, as well as hosting and maintenance Directory of Open Access Journals(DOAJ), creating open access policy.

Comment citer
بوكرزازة, كمال; بن غيدة, وسام يوسف. Sweden’s Lund University Libraries and Support Open Access. Revue maghrébine de documentation et d'information, [S.l.], n. 25, p. 87-105, mars 2018. ISSN 1737-0744. Disponible à l'adresse : >http://www.revue-uma.rnu.tn/index.php/RMDI/article/view/84>. Date de consultation : 06 mai 2024